
As soon as we arrived we knew things were off. From a distance everything looked completely normal. First off everything around us looked like it was made of sand, even though it felt like the real thing. We'd seen nothing like it before although that sort of thing's to be expected considering where we were.

It didn't take long for us to realize we were made out of sand. Marshall freaked out. Tanaka scratched himself when he realized it still felt like skin for some reason, even when the sand looked rough.

That day we camped by a stream. I dipped my hand in. The water looked like it was made of sand, yet it was still wet, some of it sticking to my fingers regular water would. Grains of water stuck to my palm, transparent and blue. Not colourless, blue like cartoon water. I held my hand out towards the sun and the grains didn't evaporate or anything. Each one lifted off one by one, slowly drifting towards the sky. Even though it looked the same we still drank from our canteens.

After a few experiments we made an important breakthrough with regards to how matter worked in this universe. For one, we discovered the elemental composition of "sand".

Marshall had put a millimeter-long fleck of soil from the ground under a microscope. If you looked closely you could see it was four grains of sand joined together. We called these molecules even though they weren't really anything like that. But it was close enough. That soil molecule was made of one water (translucent blue), one stone (opaque brown), one plant matter (bright green) and one air (transparent).

The sand wasn't made from atoms. Each and every grain of sand was an individual atom.

Atomic Catalogue

These are the eight kinds of atoms we have identified so far.
  1. Sky: Lightest possible substance. Negates the weight of all atoms it bonds to. Cyan and leaf-shaped.
  2. Fire: Bestows the property of Heat and Vitality. Orange and pyramidal.
  3. Air: Bestows the property of Motion. Colourless and octahedral.
  4. Water: Bestows the property of Softness. Blue and spherical.
  5. Sap: Bestows the property of Growth. Green and teardrop-shaped
  6. Blood: Bestows the property of Instinct. Red and teardrop-shaped.
  7. Stone: Bestows the property of Stasis. Gray and cubic.
  8. Metal: Bestows the property of Hardness. White and cubic.

The more atoms of one kind that are included in a molecule, the more properties from that atom the molecule has. For example a molecule with one Fire and one Water atom would be Liquor since the warming quality of fire is equal to the fluid quality of water. However if there is two Fire and one Water, then it would become Plasma. Steam is not produced through the union of water and fire, but the union of water and air. However recent experiments have shown different sorts of substances can be produced with the same types and concentrations of atoms, which may have to do with molecular configuration.

Molecules form out of a combination of four atoms. Molecules in plants contain at least one Sap and at least one Water atom, while those in animals contain at least one Blood, at least one Water, and at least one Fire. The other atoms determine the function of the organism. For instance, muscles contain Air as it is the atom of motion.